I'm far enough along on this sculpture to post it for sale.
All that's left to do is seam the bottom half to the top half, complete the pyramidion, and then burn out the wood.
If you are interested in Egyptology, then this is for you. Not only is it an ancient Egyptian form, but the objects that create the piece are like hyroglyphics. It tells a story of this region; and so...
If you are interested in the history of agricultural tools, industrial tools and related items, and found metal objects from the Ottawa Valley, then this piece is for you.
If you are interested in owning a large sculpture for your yard or garden then this piece is for you.
Contact me for arrangements to have this delivered to you.
Street Scene
This little sculpture is made up of recycled pieces of metal welded together to represent a typical street scene.
Metal.... 12"x9"....... sits on a desktop
Partial Torso #1
Torso #1, wall hanging, metal, 16"x24"
Partial Torso #2
Metal: Industrial punch outs
This sculpture consists of hundreds of nuts to create a life size bust of a woman.
She guards the home of a great collector of my artwork.
Rusted Pipe Sphere
This sphere utilizes different sizes of 3/4" pipe pieces. This sphere is left as is to rust
Blue Sphere
This sphere is 18" in diameter and painted black and blue
Mop Hair
This sculpture represents my fascination for African Art.
With Child
Metal, rock, and mirror...... 11"x32"
This is a representation of a pregnant woman. The mirror for the face allows the viewer to see themselves as a reflection of the woman.
This sculpture has 5 skeletal rings, each with a central supporting ring (except for the smallest ring). The skeletal rings are made from recycled manure spreader tracks and in fact there is still organic matter between the pieces. This sculpture is intended for the base to be slightly covered by the ground to give the impact of the rings to be coming out of the ground, such as what you might find at an archaeological dig.
Big Mouth
Metal, 26"x42"
Three Musicians
This is my interpretation of Picasso's painting, "Three Musicians"
Metal 44"x44"
Multiple Personalities:
This sphere started out by dismantling a sculpture I had titled, "Family Portrait", a metal frame holding 11 faces. I had it longer than I wanted to so I decided to take it apart and create a sphere of faces.
This sphere has 21 faces all forged to fit a 24" sphere. Ten more faces had to be made to complete this piece.
The sculpture was sprayed with vinegar, water and hydrogen peroxide to create an even rust patina and then coated with several coats of clear coat to seal in the rust.
Extreme Symphony
Extreme Symphony is made up of 12 equal sides with all matching angles, creating a perfect metal dodecahedron and a perfect musical score.
Black Swan
This is a metal cutout representing a swan; the finish gives it a nice black patina
Metal..... 16"x18"x1"
Let's Play the Blues
This sphere is 18" in diameter with hundreds of 1" pieces of several different diameters of pipe pieces
Metal Sculpture: Plant and Water Feature
Some of my favourite things about Spring are seeing the flowers starting to spring up, the light rain showers and the birds coming back home to enjoy the warmer weather!
I made this piece with all these things in mind. The glass bowl is the perfect bird bath, don’t you think?!
I’d put this piece right by my backyard window so I can watch the birds come and go!
Untitled Sphere
24" sphere. This piece is protected from further rusting with Penetrol and then an application of a clearcoat.
This can be an inside piece or a garden piece, sitting on a unique pedestal.
Garden Rings
This is a lovely garden feature that with the right flowers or plants growing within this sculpture would make a great addition to your garden decor.
Three Ring Sphere
This is a 5' diameter 3 ring sphere. I'm standing in the center of it for scale.
This would have looked great in your garden or on your lawn.
Dare to be different
This 18" diameter sphere consists of many varying diameters of pipe pieces 1" thick
The one square piece in this sculpture reminds us that it's ok to be different. Read Ralph Waldo Emerson's essay on "Self Reliance"
Red Star
"Red Sphere" is a working title.
Metal... 18" in diameter, just over 1,000 square inches of surface area. Black undercoating with a red top coat and a clear coat.
Blue Star
This is an 18" diameter sphere with a very shiny coat.
Choose from various types of pedestals. This would look stunning in your garden.
24" Pipe Piece Sphere
This sculpture consists of many pieces of 2 3/8" diameter pipe pieces 1" long welded into a 24" diameter sphere.
EARTH: an oblate spheroid
This oblate spheroid represents the earth, and all the pieces are the continents, countries and people connected side by side in all their perfections and imperfections.
Metal.... 34" in diameter. Over 2,500 pieces covering close to 4,000 square inches of surface area.
This would make a great statement in your yard or garden
Sphere within a sphere
The outer sphere has a diameter of 24", consisting of larger unfinished pieces suggesting a cocoon for the interior 12" diameter sphere. The inside sphere suggests a birth about to happen of a perfect sphere.
The outer sphere is left to rust while the inside one has several applications of clear coat preventing it from rusting for some time.
Bull Head Series
Lawn Spheres
These look awesome on the lawn. Various sizes available
The large one in this photo is 42" diameter and the smaller one is 36" in diameter.
Any size can be made to your specifications.
Three Ring Sphere
48" in diameter
Honey Comb 2
This sphere is very similar to the other Honey Comb. This one has three different sizes of pipe pieces.
Honey Comb 1 has been left to rust, but this one is painted with a high gloss black paint.
Honey Comb 1
This sphere uses over 100 pieces of 2" pipe cut at 1 1/2" long all welded together to create an 18" sphere
3 Piece Composition
This piece was inspired by the fact that all the snow had melted off my scrap metal tables and I thought to find just a few pieces to create a non-representational piece and this is what came out.
Armillary Sphere
All parts of this sphere move. The centre ball is made of copper
Winter Star
Winter Star is a metal sphere using polygons and long rectangular pieces.
Metal.... 18" in diameter, just over 1,000 square inches of surface area.
Pirate Ship
This is a really fun piece. This looks like it was just dragged out of the Atlantic Ocean off the Outer Banks. A great statement piece
Metal: 44" wide.... 30" tall, on a 3" column. The ship turns on the column
Hemisphere II
This hemisphere consists of hundreds of metal shapes.
Armillary Sphere
This armillary sphere is smaller than the full sized ones. A wonderful addition in the garden none the less
Hemisphere 1
This hemisphere is comprised of many small rectangles of metal pieces welded together in a hemispherical shape
16" diameter
Female Torso #2
Female torso using hundreds of nuts welded together
Big Oval
This sculpture changes from every viewing angle and more so when you move back a bit. This sculpture is an impressive 7 feet tall so it would make a great statement in your yard or garden.
This piece does not have a title because it means many things to many people. It's just a composition
Metal, 24"x24"x12"
Abstract Garden Sculpture
This piece is comprised of abstract metal shapes welded to an authentic metal wagon wheel. It would be good as an accent piece in any flower garden, or could even be hung on a wall.
Metal.... 38"x38"
Small Village
This sculpture is made from 1/4" plate steel shapes, grinded and welded.
Table Top Sculpture
Village Church
This sculpture is made from 1/4" plate steel shapes, grinded and welded.
Wall Hanging Sculpture
Tenor Guitar
Metal, 14"x34"
Steel Guitar
Metal, 12"x33"
Armillary Sphere
This armillary sphere is on a concrete pedestal and would look great in any yard or garden
Armillary Sphere
A wonderful addition to your yard or garden. This armillary sphere has a copper ball in the center
Armillary Sphere
This is a wonderful addition to your yard or garden.
Armillary Sphere
This sphere sits on a fabulous rough hewn beam. A great accent piece in your garden
Armillary Sphere
This armillary sphere has a removable porcelain ball in the center representing either the sun or the earth
Gardening Buddies
This is a great companion pair that you could place in your gardening space.
Brush Hair
I found this old brush one day and thought it would make excellent hair for one of my Face Series
Paint Brush
Another example of finding something cool and incorporating it into a sculpture
This is a very Picasoesque piece in my Face Series
Four Horseman of the Apocolypse
This armillary sphere has four armatures pointing towards the Ptolemaic center of the universe.
At 60" in circumference and 50" high this sculpture makes an impressive addition to any yard or garden.
Three Tier Water Feature
This is a great piece for your garden. It would make a fabulous statement
51" diameter and 32" front to back. The cat tails stand higher